Powierzchnia handlowa na sprzedaż w Thonex, Genewa

  • Obszar komercyjny
  • Typ nieruchomości
  • 900


Identyfikator nieruchomości: 11574
  • Obszar komercyjny
  • Typ nieruchomości
  • 900


Commercial area for sale in Thonex, Geneva. This new project, commercial buildings for sale by floors, is located in the city of Thonex, which is part of the canton of Geneva and its 500,000 inhabitants.
It is divided into 7 floors with the following areas:

Underground floor, sip.700 m2
Ground floor sip.900
1st floor, 900 m2
2nd floor, 900 m2
3rd floor, 900 m2
4th floor, 900 m2
5th floor, 707 m2

As a link between the “Left Bank” and neighboring France, this new building will have access to the area where there is a large number of public and private transport (access to train, highway and airport).
All the facilities (sports center, shops and restaurants) make this property preferable and a good form of investment.

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  • Stan/powiat Zvicër
  • Kraj Zvicër


Zaktualizowano na kwiecień 6, 2023 w 12:19
  • Identyfikator nieruchomości: 11574
  • Wielkość nieruchomości: 900 m²
  • Typ nieruchomości: Obszar komercyjny
  • Status nieruchomości: Na sprzedaż

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